Consultants often look at the outside as the indicator of what needs to be strategized and then forget the inner aspect. However, to be able to see both interactions, an inside-out approach is critical.
I am Virginia Nava Hieger, and I have worked with brands from Fortune 500 companies to help them share their brand essence globally. I have also worked with non-profits, coaches, and entrepreneurial visionaries to help them bring their messages
to the world.
I created business models that return to the core as the foundation of each aspect of business, and help bring the essence of the business to new life. The complexity of this process depends on the type of organization and the current state of its alignment. Bringing the organization back into alignment can be done in many ways:
- Transformative practices
- Clarity on mission and message
- Understanding whether the stakeholders involved are clear in the mission
- Engagement in conversation to answer key questions
- Creating collaborations and partnerships through alignment
- Moving from features and benefits to core
What I’ve found is that marketing and communications is evolving as the business is evolving. In this evolution, there’s a need to integrate the inner values of the organization, the inner core and foundation into the platforms—and the communication, strategy and growth are fundamental. This helps achieve not only the outcome, but also a sustainable level of authenticity of the organization into the world.
I’ve found that no matter how big or small their organizations, both corporations and solo entrepreneurs often have a hard time articulating their core essence—and this is the most valuable attribute of any organization.