By Virginia Nava Hieger We are taught to put things in boxes and to choose labels. We are constantly labeling ourselves, the world around us, and putting things into the various boxes of life. Living with boxes and labels feels…
The Gift of “Failure”
We live in a society that is apprehensive about failing. We have many mechanisms to achieve success, from how we dress to how we select our career steps. Yet the value of failure as a learning opportunity, as an opportunity…
THE COURAGEOUS SQUIRREL By Virginia Nava Hieger The other day, I was driving and noticed a squirrel in the middle of the road, not moving. It looked alive, but it was definitely in danger of been run over. Something told…
THE PURPOSE CLOCK IS TICKING By Virginia Nava Hieger Just as my biological clock was ticking few years ago, my purpose clock is ticking, too. It’s come to a point where there is a strong inner knowing that it’s time…