A Deeper Look
Do you really have a visibility problem? Or is it a symptom of your overall strategy?
We have a tendency to consult and to identify problems too quickly. I have noticed, particularly in sales conversations, people may too quickly give me a perspective of what I need. Or the opposite happens, and they give me no direction at all. But after speaking to many entrepreneurs during the last six years, a light bulb came on for me. It’s not always about messaging, or how many social media posts or events you’re attending. A lot of times, there are deeper issues at work, and they are worth a closer look. Going to the outer activities such as marketing, sales or message is easy because it’s more tangible; things like building a website or creating a social media post. But going deeper is always worth the extra effort.
Take a closer look:
-Is it really all about frequency? Is social media really the answer, or is it a PR problem? Is it a business-to-business strategic problem that is being confused with a business-to-consumer solution?
-Is it a confidence problem? Is it a value-based exchange? Or is it that you don’t know your audience well enough? Is it a delivery issue?
Next time your visibility activities aren’t yielding the results you are looking for, look deeper, look within. Take a look from the inside out.
Strategy Quiz
Are you thinking like a strategist?
-Are your strategic questions focused on resolving a problem?
-Are your strategic questions focused on creating an opportunity?
-Are you building a market?
-Are you finding a market?
-Do you know your value before the conversation?
-Do you know your audience before the conversation?
-Is your strategy focused on your problem for the next four weeks, or focused on building a legacy for the next 100 years?
-Is it sustainable and attainable?
-Can you do it?
-If you can’t do it, who can?